President: procedures began to free pardoned rebels, outlaw

IBB, May 24 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Monday in Ibb province that proceedings to free the Houthi rebels and outlaw elements in the southern and eastern provinces have started immediately.President Saleh said that in a carnival held in Ibb province celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Unification Day and launching the eighth tourist season in the province.According to a source at the Supreme Security Committee, the release would include about 300 detainees, 200 detainees are in connection with the insurgency in Saada and almost 100 others arrested for destructive acts in other provinces.Saleh’s pardons to the detainees were made on the 20th anniversary of unification, saying, he hoped the detainees would learn from the pardons and turn to serve their nation.The President renewed in the carnival his call on all political powers to take part in a serious and sincere dialogue, saying “It is the only way to solve the problems inside the country”.The President said that a number of projects worth YR25 billion were inaugurated today, [Monday], in Ibb province, and YR 100 billion will be approved for future projects in three stages to complete the projects of the exceptional plan announced for Ibb province.”A foundation stone will be laid for a housing project for youth in the province as a part of al-Saleh Foundation’s projects”, he said.He encouraged the local council and citizens in Ibb province to carry on their initiative to uproot Qat trees and to be replaced by coffee and fruits, ordering the ministries of Planning and Agriculture to pay more attention to such initiatives and to present full support for farmers.”The government and Tourist Ministry have to offer all facilities for investors in Ibb province”, the president said, calling local and Arab capitals to invest in this unique tourist province. As he arrived in Ibb province, the president has inaugurated and laying the foundation stone for about 378 projects amounting to YR 25 billion in various areas. The President also has planted an olive tree under the province campaign to increase the cultivated area with coffee, olive and fruit trees to replace Qat trees.AF/AF