President orders to organize football championship at the level of Horn of Africa

SANA’A, Nov. 30 (Saba) – Minister of Youth and Sports Hamoud Ubad revealed Tuesday that President Ali Abdullah Saleh ordered to organize a championship at the level of the Horn of Africa and Sana’a Forum to be hosted by Aden in the next period. Ubad said such a championship will test the Yemeni football and will continue its development. Asked about the possibility to enroll Yemen to the rest sports bodies, the minister said that Yemen handed a letter to the secretary- general of Gulf Cooperation Council AbdulRahman al-Attiyah in which he demanded to enroll Yemen to the different unions of sports in the Gulf states before one year, indicating that al-Attiyah will study the Yemeni request. The minister said till now we did not receive any response but we receive the approval of this letter and confirmation that the study will be responded to it. In spite of we lost the championship, the Yemeni football fans are huge and do not despair, he minister added. The youth minister described the Yemeni football as “Sharp shocking”, affirming that the government provided what it can provide for this team and built it in a good form but its result came disappointing to the Yemeni fans. The ministry will take into consideration these results and will report of what have been achieved in order to take the right study of this championship. HAAM Saba