President opens, laid foundation stones for YR 203 bln projects in Taiz


TAIZ, May 18 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh opened and laid foundation stones on Tuesday for 902 projects in Taiz province at a total cost of more than YR 203.6 billion. Upon his arrival, President Saleh launched projects in the city of Taiz, where the number of projects he opened amounted to 485 projects at a cost of more than YR 93.2 billion with governmental, local and external funding. The opened projects distributed to 102 projects in the public works and roads field, 47 projects in the electricity field, 154 projects in field of education, and five projects in the University of Taiz. The projects also included 19 projects in field of agriculture and irrigation, 80 projects in the field of water, 18 projects in the telecommunications field, 15 projects in the field of health, two projects in the field of groundwater conservation, and project of the National Institute for Administration Sciences. Moreover, the opened projects included the project of tower and station of maritime surveillance, six projects in the area of tourism and hotels, a project in the area of social affairs and labor, two projects in field of fisheries, the navigational station project at Taiz International Airport, three projects in field of youth and sports, and eight projects in field of Cleaning and Improvement Fund. The projects opened by President Saleh also included two projects in the media field, the project of the National Foundation for Combating Cancer, 15 projects in the post field, and a project in the field of technical education and vocational training. On another hand, the number of projects ,which the President put foundation stones for, reached 417 projects at a total cost of over YR 137.4 billion with governmental ,local and external financing. The projects distributed to 36 projects in the public works and road sector, 22 projects in the field of electricity, 101 projects in the education sector, five projects at the University of Taiz including the Teaching Hospital and the College of Medicine, and 13 projects in the field of technical education and vocational training. In addition to, the projects included 62 projects in the sector of agriculture and irrigation, 64 projects in the water sector, a project in the field of groundwater conservation, 17 projects in the telecommunications sector, and a project in the field of antiquities, as well as a project in the field of social affairs and labor. The projects also included 68 projects in the public health sector, three projects in the fisheries sector, and two projects of Taiz Airport expansion, and six projects the field of youth and sports including the sport city project. Furthermore, the projects included a project in the field of slaughterhouses, a project in the field of planning, two projects of Cleaning and Improvement Fund, the project of paving the port of Makha and the maritime surveillance station, the project of the Central Bank branch building, and two projects in the field of local administration, in addition to three projects of the private sector in the areas of fisheries, tourism, and hotels. BA