President meets members of Hadramout local council in Say’un

SAY’UN, April 11 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Sunday member of the local council of Say’un. In the meeting, president listened to reports of the local council about projects that the council is following as well as needs of the districts of Hadramout province from development projects.President Saleh addressed the members by expressing his happiness to meet them to listen to the issues related to the development in the province and solutions to resolve problems of citizens.He highlighted important role of the local council in tackling that issues, indicating to trends to grant full power for these local councils under supervision of the central demonstration.President Saleh gave orders to establish third regions for the Yemeni coastguards in Hadramout to protect costal regions from acts of smuggling and piracy.He also asked the government to cooperate with the local council in the province to re build flood affected regions.Moreover, president Saleh also asked the government to pay further concern for agriculture in the province and offer facilities for the farmers.AH