President meets Arab and foreign delegates

ADEN, Dec. 16 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Friday in Aden city the heads of Arab and foreign political parties delegations who attend the 7th conference of People’s General Congress (PGC).
The delegates conveyed the congregations of their parties to president Saleh on holding the conference, and confirmed the strong ties link the PGC and their parties.
They have also expressed satisfaction over the huge achievements implemented in Yemen and the democracy practice.
They added that the Yemeni unification in 1990 was the biggest national achievement as it formed the cornerstone for the Arab dream to achieve the Arab unification.
President Saleh welcomed the delegates, expressing his thanks for all the participated delegations.
He affirmed concern of Yemen to enhance ties with their countries, asking them to convey his worm greetings to the heads of their parties.