President meets Anann

NEW YORK, June 7 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met in UN headquarters on Monday the UN Sectary General Kofi Annan. In the meeting, they discussed the latest developments in the region particularly the situation in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan as well as the UN role in the peace process of the middle east.President Saleh briefed Anann on Yemen’s vision for settling security and stability in Iraq and resolving Arab-Israeli conflict. President Saleh underlining the importance of implementing the roadmap and the necessity of implementing the international legitimacy resolutions regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict and the establishment of the independent Palestinian state. He also stressed on the necessity to send international forces to protect the Palestinian people from the Israeli terrorist and massacre acts. He pointed out to UN role to end the occupation of Iraq to enable the Iraqi people run their internal affairs themselves.They also discussed the situations in the African Horn especially the situation in Somali and efforts of Yemen which receive thousands of refugees from the African horn countries.Annan appreciated the role of Yemen in prevailing security and stability in the African horn region and its care of the refugees. AH/TN SABA