President: local councils achieves progresses

SANA’A, Dec 4 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Saturday that the local councils have achieved progress that would encourage granting the local authority further jurisdictions. During his attendance for the opening session of the 3rd conference of the local councils, president Saleh expressed happiness to attend the conference of the local councils, pointing out to the progresses of the local councils. He added that the elections of the governors and directors of districts would be considered significant transported step from centralization to decentralization. He highlighted participation of all political forces in the local authority as Yemen’s system relies on multiparty. He said that the Yemeni people apply one of principles of Yemen revolution people rule themselves , the people are the decision maker now.” President Saleh indicated to the widen participation of political parties in the local councils, saying that confirms the people is the source of the power. He said “there were fears from establishing the local authority, and there are people who still say that we have worked since long time to realize unity of the nation, now we works to set local authority that means separation for next time… it is wrong saying and wrong thought.”” We have established the local authority that enhanced role of the state and developed status of the country inside and outside the country,”he said. He pointed out ” while slogans of political and democratic reforms have been risen, Yemen was in the top as unification on 22 May in 1990 was announced.” Yemen adopted multiparty in its political system, peaceful secession,participation all political forces, women’s participation and respecting human rights, he said. He asked from the government and legislative power why they spent millions for bi-election, suggesting to issue an article in the law of elections that allows the person who was granted majority of votes to be successor for person who died. ” Yemen’s local authority receives respect and honor of Arab and Islamic nation and all world friendly countries, as it forms good example fo rothers to benefit from it ,” he said. He said added that ” we have different opinions and programs but the reare joint denominators and principles that we should comply with them,” he added. AH/TN SABA