President lays foundations stones for developmental projects

MUKALLA, Feb 26, (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh laid the foundationstone for several development projects in Hadramout. He laid the cornerstone for a trade centre in the Cornish of Hadramout’scapital, Mukalla. On the site of the YR. 1.200 billion project, the President was receivedby Hadramout Governor Abdul-Qader Hilal. The President, then, visited the Yemen Fishery Limited Project where he was received by Minister of Fishery Wealth Ali Mugawar and senior localgovernment officials. He inspected the ongoing construction of a sea pavementfor traditional fishermen, an ice factory, a fishing tools maintenanceworkshop, fishing training centre and fish quality examination centre.Saleh also visited Al-Shahir county where he inspected the constructionof Al-Shahir harbour which worth YR 1.200 billion. After that, he inspected the Cooling Storage of Aroos Al-Bahr Fishery Co., Abahra Univeral Co. and Mukalla-Dow’an road. Along the new road whichwill link Mukalla to central Dow’an, Wusab, the installation of an opticalfiber network is underway. AA/TN SABA