President inspects Republican Guard’s training center

SANA’A, July 14 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid on Wednesday an inspection visit to the Republican Guard training center in Sana’a. During the visit, President Saleh was briefed on the conditions of the trainees in the center as well as the progress in the training and rehabilitation programs in the various military disciplines. Speaking to officers and soldiers in the center, President Saleh coagulated the graduates from the 26 Republican Guard Brigade’s officers and soldiers, who received special training courses at the center, valuing the trainers’ efforts in preparing and training cadres in the various military disciplines. He expressed his stratification for what he witnessed at the center, commending the important role of this center and the other military training centers in providing the armed forces with the specialized cadres, who are able to carry out their duties efficiently at the different circumstances. President Saleh urged the officers and soldiers to double their efforts in the training fields, pointing out that the continued training and efforts in training fields saves a lot of blood and efforts in the fields of duty. In this regard, President Saleh praised the progress made in the construction and modernization of the security and armed forces to enhance the defense capabilities of our country. BA Saba