President inspects districts in Hajjah governorate

p align=”left”>HAJJAH, March 10 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid Monday a visit to districts of Abs, Midi and Haradh of Hajjah province. During the visit, Saleh inspected the under-construction Midi seaport and listened form the concerned officials to detailed explanations on achieved steps of the project tat would be a fishery and commercial port. The president then toured the port and got acquainted with its components of the port project being constructed on area estimated at 452,320 square meters in ground and 173,500 square meters in waters, ordering concerned authorities to speed up carrying out the remaining steps. Then the president visited Ra’as al-Ma’awah and Haradh areas where he inspected the ongoing work progress in the Customs Office there and the trade activity and goods exchange between Yemen and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via Haradh outlet. He argued the office’s officials to provide more facilitations to dealers and comers to the country either they are Yemeni immigrants or Arab visitors. MS/AF Saba