President inaugurates Say’oun projects at YR58.4 bln

SAY’OUN, April 10 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh inaugurated and put foundation stones in Say’oun on Saturday for 469 projects at a total cost of YR58.4 billion. The projects distributed on areas of education, health, public works and roads, telecommunication, infrastructure of Tarim the Islamic Culture Capital, 2010, rebuilding of Hadramout and Mahara, improving Sayo’un airport, local authority, youth and sports, agricultural researches, water and sanitation, industry, and tourism. Following the inauguration, the president met with Hadramout governor and other government officials in the governorate and spoke over his pleasure for his achievement for this move. “I have listened to the needs and requirements of Al-Wadi and Sahara districts of Hadramout and I found them logical,” Saleh said. He directed the government to establish Wadi Hadramout university and to transform jurisdictions of the Fund of Floods Affected Areas in Hadaramout and Mahara to the chairman of Local Authority in Hadramout and to grant the governor of Hadramout full powers to supervise and follow up activities of the Fund. He also talked about consequences of terrorism represented in shaking security and stability as well as disturbing public peace, in addition to its negative effect on investment, tourism and the national economy. Saleh made clear that those who stand behind the criminal acts are merely a small group but still they cause a grave damage to their country, valuing trust in alert of all the people of Yemen as they are the real guards of the country and they are the national and political security while security apparatus are just to give a hand. He affirmed that the criminal actions which had occurred in some areas in Hadramout, Mareb and other governorates are totally terror and criminal acts and banned by the Sharia Law, directing security systems to double efforts to track down on the perpetrators to arrest and present them to face justice. The president concluded his speech by re-expressing his happiness to inaugurate such projects in Hadramout governorate, affirming that development process will continue to improve to meet requirements of locals. AMAM Saba