President heads meeting of security and military leaders

SANA’A, Oct. 16 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh stressed Sunday that what was happening in Yemen was a military coup by Muslim Brotherhood in collaboration with al-Qaeda.During a meeting under his chairmanship of the leaders of Ministries of Defense and Interior, security bodies and some military units, President Saleh said that the events in Abyan, Shabow and Mareb provinces were information transfer to al-Qaeda in Abyan.”We have strong proofs of the cooperation between Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda”, the President said.Military dissidents have talked with some military leaders in Abyan to hand over their camps to what is called revolution and promised that al-Qaeda will leave the province, Saleh said. “Today, they stage demonstrations, which are welcomed. We are with freedom of expression but peacefully. We do not accept heavily armed marches”, he said.They kill soldiers in several areas, attack military camps and shoot down a warplane “Sukhoi SU-22” and said peaceful marches, Saleh said, wondering “Are these peaceful acts?””We have been patient and we still are”, the president said, stressing that those, who have betrayed the country and the revolution would leave the country.Saleh described the opposition as “insane people, who can’t sleep and only want to take power”, saying that is accepted but via ballot boxes.Addressing the security and military official about the political contacts with Security Council’s members, the president indicated that their information about the situation in Yemen is false.Their ambassadors do not know what is occurring in local areas or in the demonstrations such as shooting, occupying peoples’ houses and looting their stores, he said.”They move from one opposition to the other, collect information and consider the opposition as the victim, whom they should support,” the president said, excepting some friendly countries as Russia and China. “We will inform you about the resolution’s draft the Security Council are discussing now and our related vision,” the President concluded his speech.During the meeting, Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi reported them on the diplomatic efforts exerted in the light of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)’s initiative, the Security Council’s underway deliberations on the country’s crisis and his contacts with GCC’s secretary general and foreign ministries.AF