President heads cabinet after reshuffling

SANA’A, Feb. 14 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh headed on Tuesday the first meeting of the cabinet after new reshuffling.

The meeting was attended by vice president Abdu Raboh Mansor Hadi.

In the meeting, president Saleh delivered a speech in which he welcomed new ministers, wishing the cabinet good luck in its future mission.

“The cabinet has big tasks in the coming period to realize recommendations of the 7th conference of the General People Congress Party which aimed at implementing political, economic, administrative and judicial reforms,said Saleh.

The president said that those reforms have been adopted by the GPC and the cabinet started to be carried out, especially in justice and combating corruption as well as making amendments of some laws.

Saleh pointed out to the great step of setting up an independent anti-corruption body, affirming the importance of its independence to neutrally tackle corruption.

He indicated to the importance of drawing studies for any projects befores ending it to the donors, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and other financial funds. He said that the government should allocate money for making those studies from the state treasury.

Yemen has adopted reforms without request by foreign bodies, he said.
Yemeni people does not accept any reforms come from outside. “We have to reform ourselves before others reform us,” he said.

He pointed out to the positive steps taken by Yemen on the path way to make noticeable reforms and received appreciation of other countries in the regions and friendly countries, saying that after unification in 1990,Yemen had adopted the policy of dialogue and respecting human rights and freedom of press.

He said that there was now a new draft law of journalism which is being discussed by the Shura Council and would be submitted to the Parliament.

He said that the new draft gives freedom for local and partisan newspapers within framework freedom of expression and responsible criticism far from insulting others and damaging national unification.

The draft stated to cancel punishment of imprisonment against journalist,he said, adding that the journalism, as it is the forth power, it should shoulder its responsibility and to be a tool for building and strengthening the national unification.

Regarding assistance offered by the donor countries, president Saleh said he talked with leaders of those countries and that Yemen welcomes anyone wants to help without conditions.

Not decisions, we just accept consultations which benefit us in any fields such as democracy and financial and administrative reforms as well ascombating corruption, he said. He described corruption as “a menace” that should be rooted out, calling the Parliament to shoulder its responsibility in this regard as it is the national monitoring body.

“It has to stop any one mishandles public funds,” said Saleh, warning those who utilize their governmental positions to serve their personal interests and damage the reputation of the government.

He affirmed the importance of bolstering the role of the monitoring, pointing to the roles of the legislative authority and other bodies such as the Central Organization for Controlling and Auditing, Political Security Body, the National Security Board and other concerned bodies like ministry of planning and international cooperation and ministry of finance.

He re-congratulated newly appointed ministers, wishing them success in their tasks.