President confirms independence of judiciary

SANA’A,(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh confirmed on Saturday the need for a fully independent judiciary. Addressing the opening session of the First Judicial Conference in Sana’a, President Saleh stressed the importance of activating the Higher Judicial Institute as the main body for qualifying judges. Highlighting the role of the prosecutors, President Saleh said that “we have the best of judges,” working in the judicial corps. He also underlined need for further coordination between Ministry of Interior and the Public Prosecution to combat crimes and ensure the realization of laws. Justice Minister Adnan al-Jefri delivered a speech, saying the conference was part of the government’s program to develop the judiciary and to discuss issues related to the legal authorities of the country. He reviewed several issues and topics that would be discussed in the conference such as the role of the judicial inspection on process of development. The minister mentioned several measures taken by the ministry during the provisos period, mainly the provincial judicial conferences that aimed at enforcing the judicial reform plan. AH/KM