President calls Somalis to stand side by side with new president

NAIROBI, Oct.14 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived on Thursday in the Kenyan capital Nairobi to attend the installation ceremony of new Somali president Abdullah Yusef. President Saleh explained to press media his happiness to participate in the installation ceremony of the Somali elect-president Abdullahi Yusefand his hope of success in his mission to rebuild Somalia and restore peace and stability there. We have strong brotherly and historical ties with Somalia and by attending this occasion we affirmed our stance towards Somali people to keep their security, independence and unity, Saleh said. President Saleh called Somali parties to support the new president and his efforts to put an end for conflicts and build new democratic,independent and safe Somalia. We recall international community and Arab states to help the Somali government to rebuild Somalia to enable it to take its role in the Horn of Africa for the sake of comprehensive peace in the region,President added. JW/NS SABA