President calls on youth to join Yemeni unity, not rebellion

SANA’A, April 25 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Monday with massive gatherings of youth of the nation camps from around the country who marched a number of streets in the capital Sana’a starting from Al-Muraisy Stadium. They affirmed alertness of the imbalances represented by harming public and private properties and hindering development process under what some call as “youth uprising.” In their statement, the youth supporters rejected plots against Yemen, making clear that their sit-ins are clearly demanding jobs for university graduates with priority for the well qualified ones regardless of their backgrounds. They condemned the repeated attacks by members of the Joint Meeting Parties against military and security forces to incite them to enter into clashes, reaffirming their complete refusal of using women and children. For his part, the president welcomed representatives of youth who came from all over the country. ”We would like to thank you for your kind feelings and the efforts you exert, and we call on all youth to join the Yemeni revolution, unity, freedom, republic, and democracy but not rebellion or destruction,” the president said. “No for chaos, plotting, blocking roads and killings,” he said, adding “yes for the revolution of the youth, September, October and May 22… No for chaos revolution.” AMAM Saba