President calls on all to put nation interests above all else

SANA’A, March 03 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh called on Wednesday on all to put the nation interests above all else and to mobilize efforts and energies to build the country and achieve its development and progress. This came during his inspection visit to a number of training camps of the armed forces, during which he got acquainted with the progress in the training programs and the level of implementation of the training plan for 2010. Speaking to the soldiers, Saleh praised the high morale that they enjoy, pointing to the greatness of tasks and duties assigned to the military and security institution to maintain the security and stability and pubic order and safeguard the gains and achievements of the country. He affirmed the continuation of efforts in construction and modernization of the armed forces and security institution in order to enhance its abilities and efficiency to carry out its functions and duties, stressing the need to exert more efforts in the training fields, “There is no leniency or tolerance with anyone fiddling the security or with the outlaw elements”, Saleh confirmed urging the soldiers to be more vigilant and always ready to confront any sabotage or criminal acts that some try to commit to harm the country, destabilize its security and stability, disturb the public tranquility and harm social peace in general. President Saleh affirmed at the same time that the state option is peace and it will remain keen to achieve the peace in order to turn the efforts of construction and development and reconstruction. BA Saba