President calls GPC to translate words into actions

ADEN,(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh delivered a speech in the closing session of the General People’s Congress 7th conference
in which he thanked the GPC members who granted him their trust to be the president of the GPC.

Saleh called the government to implement the recommendations of the conference, particularly recommendations that serve the national economy, stability and democracy trend, as well as to translate the words into actions.

The president also called the participants to fight corruption in the governmental institutions and to do their best for more sufficient
development and strong economy as they are the main responsible for the nation.

He called the GPC leaders to hold an extraordinary assembly before the presidential and local councils elections to elect their candidate for
the presidential office.

He also called for enforcing laws and the role of the parties committee to account parties including GPC.

He pointed out to the rumors about the budget of holding the conference, confirming that the budget was not more than YR 500 million “not six billion like others said”.