President calls for entering private education law into effect

ADEN, Feb 14(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Monday the Government must ensure that the private education law is in full effect, raising moderate and open-minded generations. Addressing an awards ceremony for the top scorer students of Aden University and affiliate colleges in Lahjand Shabwa for 2003-2004, President Saleh praised the students as a generation free from “the reactionary inheritance and seditious thoughts” and that they are hopefully to liberate the country from “rusty” minds. Aden in May 22, 1990 was a ruin, marked with reactionary facilities and even minds, Saleh continued, ‘but today it is changing, everything has witnessed betterment’. The President added that “scientific researches are supposed to be dedicated for the promotion of development”. He maintained that the country has seen big strides in field of development, women rights, freedom, democracy and even condemned “gloomy” observers for failing to recognize the “progresses”. AA/NS SABA