President calls for electing new SCER from judicial authority

ADEN, Nov. 30 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh called on Tuesday for electing a new Supreme Committee for Election and Referendum (SCER) from the judicial authority.The call made in a speech Saleh delivered in celebration held in Aden on the occasion of Evacuation Day on November 30 1967, when the last British soldier had departed from the south of Yemen.The call made to make the new SCER independent and not belong to any political party, as the president said.”The call is made to meet with the demands of the opposition, who have to take an active part in electing their representatives in the parliament”, Saleh made clear.He also called all the political parties to participate actively in preparing the election law, which is on the table of the parliament and was postponed for reasons every body knows. The president renewed the affirmation of carrying out the parliamentary elections in the scheduled time, accenting the importance of keeping on the dialogue among the Yemeni political parties.President Saleh described the hostile powers to Yemen’s unity and revolution as a wicked plant in the Yemen’s unified body.Saleh criticized scathingly the totalitarian regime existed in the south before unifying the country in May 22, 1990, saying that the pros of such regime has been “rejected by our people, who forced them out of the country”.”No one is a guardian of the south or the north of Yemen and its unification, which has been existed to last”, Saleh said, adding that Yemeni unification is safeguarded by the Allah’s will and then the nation’s. Speaking on the 20th Gulf Cup championship underway in Aden and Abyan governorates, the president said Yemen hosts the 20th gulf Cup though media and cultural terror posed on Yemen. FJ/AF