President calls armed forces to consider events in the region

SANA’A, Aug. 01(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended on Tuesdaya meeting of the armed forces to assess the first phase of 2006 training program. In the meeting, President Saleh said that the results of the phase at the regional level had been good. He highlighted efforts of ministries of defense and interior to qualify soldiers scientifically, pointing that the military and police academiesand institutes have now good qualified officers. He expressed hope the two ministries will give chance for their graduates to show their military and security experiences. Saleh said some media articles would not effect on morale of soldiers “as such articles did not carry truths”. He pointed out to the achievements that have been accomplished since the revolution such as roads, telecommunication and technology. Saleh also talked on the latest developments in the region, calling military and security academicians to conduct studies over the current events in Palestine and Lebanon. “The Arab nation is not weak, but it is strong and well-educated,” said Saleh. “After 11 September, Yemen was considered a hotbed for terrorists, but Yemen has worked to avoid any attempt to target its achievements,” Saleh said. He praised resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, saying that resistance with simple weapons could defeat Israel. “We have to be optimistic andour morale should be high and preserved,” said Saleh. Pointing to the coming elections, Saleh confirmed the election would be fair and free under the sponsorship of international observers and through the credibility of security and military forces who are responsible to secure the process. AH/NS SABA