President attends graduation of religious students

HODEIDAH, Jan 4 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended here on Sunday graduation ceremony for the third batch of the Religious Sciences University. In a keynote speech in the ceremony, President Saleh congratulated the graduates, wishing them good luck in their working life. He called on the other faculties to take approach of moderation, saying that the extremism harms Islam and the nation. “Islam does not call for violence and extremism,” he said. President Saleh also called preachers to shoulder their responsibly in educating the people to reject hatred .”We should not give others pretexts to attack Islam,” he said. The university is one of Yemeni religious universities. It includes a number of faculties of religious sciences. More than 2,500 students are studying in the university. They are given courses in 14 majors, including law, computer and English language. AH/NM/KM SABA