President attends graduation of army command and staff

SANA’A, Jan 7 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Vice President Abdu-Rabbo Mansour Hadi attended Wednesday the graduation of command and staff students from the Higher Military Academy. The graduates have successfully completed the 9th general command and staff course and the 4th command and staff course for air forces and marine defence. President Saleh delivered a speech expressing “good wishes” for the graduates and hailing the role of the academy contributing to the development of the military institution by its wide range of expertise across the field of modern security and defense studies. He said that the army officers “have to be highly qualified in military studies. He also said Yemen welcomes foreign students to study in this academy. “We have nothing to hide in our military sciences, today in the age of the worldwide web you can take everything from the internet.” He said that in today’s age, only decisions remain privacy. The Director of the Command and Staff College, Brig. Abdu-Rabbo Al-Qusheibi had delivered a speech welcoming President Saleh to the graduation ceremony. He hailed the generous support of President Saleh to his college especially its teaching staff. Awards were given to the graduates before the end of the ceremony. Afterwards, President Saleh opened the 9th scientific exhibit which displayed a collection of researches prepared by the courses graduates.