President attends graduation ceremony of military batches

SANA’A, Nov. 30(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended Thursday, along with vice president Abdul-Rabu Mansour and senior military commanders, a graduation ceremony of a number of various military batches on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the Independence Day. President delivered a speech congratulating the graduates on finishing their military studies and in this historic occasion. Moreover, he congratulated all Yemeni nationals, inside and outside the country, on this significant occasion. He praised those military affiliates, with different ranks, who served and sacrificed as well who are still serving their homeland. President Saleh highlighted that Yemen’s future will be more of prosperity, security and will witness extensive development. “London Donors Conference commended the democratic experience in Yemen which was reinforced by the latest presidential and local elections.” Regarding the development projects, president urged the government to identify projects of priority to be funded by money promised by donor countries and to find suitable means in coordination with the secretary general of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and donor countries as soon as possible to carry out those projects Furthermore, he said that the government has to be careful in studying its budget, to avoid any mistakes and not to rely on extra budget in the end of the year. President Saleh gave orders to government, particularly Ministry of Industry and Trade to supervise on price of goods to prevent any unjustified increase. For his part, Minister of Defense, Mohammed Ahmed, congratulated in the ceremony the graduates and commended all military personnel nationwide for protecting interests of the country. AM/AH