President attends consultative meeting of security commanders

SANA’A,(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended Sunday the consultative meeting of security apparatuses commanders evaluating thepast security deployment plans and discussing the
coming fifth plan.

In the meeting, Saleh expressed his pleasure to attend the meeting which brings together senior commanders of the public security, and the national and political boards.

He said that what have been achieved in security area could be described as excellent as it reflects the high level of development in security sector.

He made it clear that when crimes spread and life
becomes complicated,security apparatuses should be developed to cope with new challengesand modernity.

Saleh made it clear that the responsibility of the security apparatuses was in the past to control security while in the current time, he said,there are a number of military units each one is
assigned to a specific task.

Saleh continued saying that future plans, until 2010, aim to achieve moreprogress in the performance of security systems to cover all the
governmental institutions nationwide.

He stressed on the success of security apparatuses in light of deployment plan which resulted in a prominent action in crime control.

President also talked over the significance of getting identification card which could be made easily by extending offices of the ministry
of interior in the cities and villages.