President Addresses The Nation On The Eve Of Eid Al-Fitr.

SANA’A, Nov. 12 (Saba)- On the eve of Eid Al-Fitr, President Ali Abdullah Saleh delivered on Friday a speech in which he congratulated Yemeni people , Arab and Islamic nations on this holy occasion. President Saleh pointed out to the greatness of holy month of Ramadan in the estimation of Moslims, saying that Islam is religion of tolerance, mercy and justice. “Ramadan is a precious time underlines a set of important topics that we should focus on them; such as the commitment to building a nation and react well with Islamic and humanitarian issues, ” he added. He said ” It is a good occasion to urge all (citizens) to pay Zakah as it is considered a religious duty people should pay it to government for the government has the right to collect it and spend it. The government is implementing developmental projects and supplying citizens with services and pensions for the poor.” He pointed out to features of Eid that spread principles of solidarity and mercy among relatives, friends and neighbors inside the society as rich people help poor ones. He called on all individuals and political forces and NGOs to ignore all forms of grudge and promote values of tolerance and fraternal feelings. He made it clear that all should participate in building the nation. In his speech, president Saleh also pointed to the role of Yemeni unification in the development process in different fields , especially in democracy and human rights. He also called on the whole to be far from thing that stirs strife and disputes to build the nation, saying” we should work as one team to build a strong Yemen and a wonderful future.” “We will go ahead on enhancing democracy that depends on multiparty and freedom of expression and press as well as respects for human rights and public participation in decision-marking ,” he said. He added that the national duty is to understand the freedom correctly within the framework of constitution and religion and national principles. He indicated to the challenges surrounding Arab and Islamic nation at the political, economic, scientific, cultural, military and security levels due to absence of solidarity and unity. The only way to skip out current weakness is to depend on factors of strength that contribute activity in the on going changes to stand up to the challenges and smear campaigns trying to link Islam with terror, he said. ” Islam rejects terror, extremism and discrimination,” he added. He expressed relief over the work of the Theological Dialogue Committee which amended the radical thoughts of some, pointing out to releases of young extremists after they complied with constitution and law by renouncing extremism and vowing probation and contribution to building the country. “We do regret that while we are celebrating the Eid Al-Fitr and our brothers in Palestine, Iraq and other Islamic countries live miserable conditions and suffer from occupation, Saleh recalled. He renewed his call for the people to support their Palestinian brethren face violence of Israeli occupation forces and to regain their right to set up their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. He also expressed sorrow for causalities among innocent people in Fallujahand other cities of Iraq, calling for an aid to the Iraqi people to make an end for occupation and realize security and stability in all territories of Iraq. He also called on Arab , Islamic world and international community to present support for Somali people and their new leadership to restore security, stability and peace in Somali as that would help in improving stability in the region. He concluded his speech by congratulating security and military forces on the occasion of Eid, describing them as guards of unity, liberty and democracy as well as all development achievements. AH/AASaba