Oil discovery refreshment serves economy: president Saleh

ANA’A,(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid here on Saturdayan inspection visit to the Ministry of Oil and Minerals.

Saleh listened to a report on the oil ministry performance in many blocksas well as the work in the National Safer Company for the Discovery Operationsand Production (NSCDOP) in the 18 sector of the Marib governorate.

The report pointed out to the successes achieved by NSCDOP in operatingthe sector since receiving it from an American company by making use ofthe well-experienced Yemeni cadres.

The report tackled the future plans of the company, especially in fieldof discovery and rummage on the oil and developing the oil production.

For his part, President Saleh ordered officials in the ministry to providethe company with needed human forces and material requirements to developthe discovery level and increase oil
productivity in the block (#18) andother oil blocks in order to support the national economy.

According to spcialized reports Yemen is expected to face a shortage of oil production the few coming years.