New presidential committee to oversee ending rebellion in north

SANA’A, April 26(Saba) – A new presidential mini-committee is to be set up to replace the first one that was asked by President Ali Abdullah Saleh to no longer continue doing its job related to ending the sedition in the northern province of Saada. At a most recent meeting with the vice president Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi the committee was asked to stop the overseeing of implementation of a Qatari-brokered agreement to end the four-year long armed rebellion in the province. Informed sources signaled that the new committee is to include only four persons two represent the government and another two to represent the rebels. The new committee would be the third committee formed to end the sedition in north during the last years. However, the Qatari delegation who was taking part in the cancelled committee is said to have come back to Sana’a to resume its efforts with the would-be committee. The delegation had left after a deadlock which the government and the rebels blamed each other on. In last July president Saleh set up a presidential committee to oversee the implementation of a Qatari-brokered agreement along with a Qatari delegation taking part in the process. Earlier president Saleh formed a committee included military generals and al-Hothi rebels sheikh representatives. On the other hand, the confrontations between the troops and the al-Hothi militants took place at some areas of the province after few months stop. FR/FR Saba