New measures to make procedures of investment easy, says president

SANA’A, Dec. 29(Saba)-President Ali Abdullah Saleh announced on Friday that the coming period would witness new measures to make procedures of investment easy. Addressing Yemeni people on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, president Saleh said that there are measures to merge the investment and free zones authorities in a single body. He said that the investment file would receive all care by relevant authorities in order to better climate of investment and to insure joint interests for investor and the nation. “Next year will be full of achievements in different fields,” he said. He said that priorities would be centered on setting up strategic projects in energy, industry, roads, dams, oil and gas such as Yemeni Liquid National Gas project. He called to continue efforts of enhancing role of the local authority and granting it further financial and administrative powers. “Coming stage needs for gathering efforts of all who are in power or opposition to build the nation,” he said. He called on all to look foreword optimistically. ” Officials should shoulder their responsibility and do their duties perfectly and honestly to sever nation and people, and the opposition should also shoulder its responsibility too and do its role in serving national interests firstly,” he said. “I say many times, the nation for all, and we are responsible,” he said. He highly appreciated support offered by friendly and brotherly countries to improve development process in Yemen in donors -conference which was held last November, particularly countries of Gulf Cooperation Council that affirmed their concern to boost ties and partnership with Yemen to achieve joint interest and to serve security and stability in the region. He announced support for the outcomes of the 17th round of the GCC which was held in Riyadh, particularly decision of establishing a joint Gulf program for using atomic energy for peaceful propose, expressing desire of Yemen to participate in the program within unified frame instead of working separately in this field. He expressed deep sadness for tragic situations in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Somali and Afghanistan. “We are worry about miserable developments in these countries,” he said. He renewed call of Yemen for all parties in these countries to adopt dialogue as it way to pass all disputes and fulfill peace and stability as well as fail plots targeting unity of their nations and interests. AH/AH