Millions of Yemenis partake in national alignment Friday

SANA’A, Aug. 12 (Saba) – Millions of Yemenis Friday took part in the Friday of National Alignment in the public squares at the capital Sana’a and across the country. After performing the Friday prayers, pro-government demonstrations were staged to mark “the Friday of National Alignment,” celebrating the faith-inspired popular stand uniting all Yemenis supportive of constitutional legitimacy. The partakers in the demonstrations reaffirmed their firm national stands towards preserving the national unity and refusing sabotage and chaos. The National Alignment day reasserts the link between faith and national duties and binds worshippers and citizens. They also affirmed that the majority of the Yemeni people were standing with the constitutional legitimacy, accenting their readiness to stand beside the armed forces and security personnel against any attempts to coup on the constitutional legitimacy. In addition, they held porters of President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Saudi King Abdullah Bin-Abdul-Aziz and shouted pro-government slogans. FJ