Information Minister: excellent cooperation vis-à-vis President national dialogue call


SANA’A, Dec. 22 (Saba)- The official spokesman of the government and Minister of Information Husain al-Lawzi affirmed on Tuesday that the call of President Ali Abdullah Saleh to hold a national dialog has received an excellent response. In his weekly press conference, the minister said that this response reflects understanding of all for the importance of this responsible dialogue to come out with positive solutions for the issues to be discussed by all political forces, civil society organizations and social personalities. As for the military operations carried out this week against al-Qaeda members in Abyan and Sana’a governorates, he emphasized that the success of the military operation gives impetus to counterterrorism efforts. He noted that many al-Qaeda terror leaders and elements were killed and 29 others arrested. The minister also clarified that the government has not officially announced that the so-called rebel leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi suffers injuries due to army attacks, adding that military operations are still active targeting the terror Houthi hideouts and followers. In remarks over coordination between Yemen and Saudi Arabia concerning confronting the Houthis, al-Lawzi asserted that there is coordination between the two neighboring countries to counter any criminal and terror acts or sneaking operations through the borders. AM/AM