Ending his visit to Jordan, President returns home

ADEN, May 11 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived in the city of Aden Tuesday evening after his visit to Jordan in response to the invitation of the Jordanian King Abdullah II. During the visit, the two leaders held talks during which they discussed the brotherly relations and areas of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries, as well as the regional and Arab developments that concern the two countries and the Arab nation. The two sides affirmed their keenness to coordinate the two countries’ efforts to activate the joint Arab work so as to serve and enhance the solidarity between the nation’s sons. During the talks, King Abdullah pointed out that this visit would open wider horizons of cooperation between the two brotherly countries, affirming Jordan’s readiness and its interest to strengthen the brotherly relations and the joint cooperation between the two countries. President Saleh lauded the level of the existing cooperation between the two countries and the Jordan’s supportive positions to Yemen and the efforts made by Jordanian experts in training the Yemeni armed forces and security units. He also confirmed Yemen’s keenness to develop the relations and to push forward the areas of cooperation towards wider prospects so as to meet the common aspirations of the two brotherly countries and peoples. BA Saba