Democracy is our national choice, says president

ADEN, Dec. 15 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh opened the first round of 7th conference of People’s General Congress (PGC).
President Saleh delivered a speech in which he addressed that the big mass of people, who attend the 7th conference, as saying. ” This
gathering embody the national and democratic formation of PGC which joins a lot of social figures represent different areas all over the country. “He added that, during the last 23 years, and their exchanges, the PGC proved that it came from the Yemeni soil and led the country toward security, stability and democracy.
Saleh pointed out that PGC has adopted democracy since its establishment.
” democracy is our national choice.” , ” GPC is the pioneer party”, Saleh said.
The GPC party achieved a lot of achievements in the top of which are
the unification of Yemen in 1990 , multi-party system and democracy. He made it clear that the mistakes of the democracy should be solved by further democracy.
He said that Yemeni democracy formed an ideal example in the region.
He also call on all political parties to submit their programs and plans in front of the Yemeni people. Asking them to compete in the parliamentary, local authority and presidential elections according to laws and the constitution. He added that PGC was the umbrella for all and it is an example for meditation and democracy.
He called international community to get Israel comply to the international resolutions and to work for the establishment of the independent Palestinian state and al-Quds as its capital and to end the foreign occupation inIraq. He said that the conference would be came out with good decisionsand recommendations serve the government programs.