Culture of dialogue is the optimal way for resolving all national issues, says President Saleh

SANA’A, May 21 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Wednesday that the capital Sana’a and all provinces of the country would witness the inauguration of many service and development projects in various fields at a cost of more than YR 400 billion in conjunction with the celebrations of the Reunification Day of Yemen. On the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the Reunification Day, President Saleh delivered the following speech: In The Name Of AllahDear Fellow Citizens in Yemen and abroad. It is my pleasure to speak to you on this glorious day on which we celebrate the 18th. anniversary of the blessed reunification and the establishment of the Republic of Yemen. On this great occasion I would like to congratulate you at a time the homeland is witnessing numerous important changes in different fields of politics, democracy, development and others. On top of those changes the significant democratic event which is the election of governors as a first step to be followed by further steps, God willing, on the path of wide-authorities local governance. This would be implemented in fulfilment of our promises and as an interpretation of the election program which many of its contents were achieved in different development and strategic fields and included the enhancement of judiciary independence, passing anti-corruption law, the financial disclosure law, the establishment of the Supreme National Authority to Combat Corruption and the Supreme Committee for Tendering. Other measures were also taken to promote investment such as the one-stop shop system through the General Investment Authority. Dear Fellow Citizens The challenges facing our country now are many including the negative effects on the national economy as a result of international economic changes leading to hike of prices. Therefore, the government and its different apparatuses should carry out solutions necessary to alleviate the suffering of people and implement tough punishments against those who illegally increase prices. The government should also encourage farmers and provide them with facilities to widen agricultural lands for the production of cereals with the aim of achieving food security for our people. It should also promote local and foreign investment and implement strategic projects that can attract the largest number of the labour force. There are a number of projects under implementation now either the natural gas exportation project ( Marib – Belhaf ) or in the fields of industry, roads network, telecommunication , education , health, energy, housing and others. We urge the government to provide further facilities for investment especially in the fields that achieve goals of development. Dear Fellow Citizens It is no doubt that you follow up developments in some directorates of the province of Saada resulted by the sedition of the insurgency created by Al-Hothi. The state has been keen from the first moment to contain the sedition and stop Yemeni blood shed and maintain peace and security in those directorates. The state formed a number of committees consisting of religious scholars, political parties, social dignitaries and members of parliament and advisory council. We positively reacted with efforts exerted by the brotherly State of Qatar with generous patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamd Bin Khalifa Al Thani the Amir of Qatar, but the elements of the rebellion and sedition did not respond to the national efforts and brotherly good offices. They remained deviated and continued carrying out acts of terrorism against citizens, sheikhs, social dignitaries, personnel of the armed and security forces. They have also continued destruction of public and private properties, acts of banditry and shaking stability and public tranquility in those directories in the province of Saada. As a result of all crimes committed by those elements including the last one against the prayers in Bin Salman mosque, the state will bear its national, constitutional and legal responsibility to enforce law and order and protect the homeland and citizens. Those lawbreaking elements would bear complete responsibility for not responding to wisdom. Dear Fellow Citizens On this occasion we call every one in the homeland to resort to dialogue as the best way to tackle all issues of concern to the homeland and not to hinder the process of construction, development and investment and abandon the spread out of hatred and malevolence culture among the society. The homeland needs efforts of all its citizens without any exceptions for the sake of development, construction, enhancement of security and stability since there would be no development without security. We call on every one to spread out the culture of benevolence, brotherhood and cohesion and to benefit from all events taking place inside and outside the country. We have to protect our unity which is the source of our pride as it is for all national Arabs. The Yemeni unity is the lightening candle in the deteriorated Arab situation. While, unity means power and strength, division means weakness and powerless. Dear Fellow Citizens Democracy which is considered as an additional support for unity will always remain our irreversible option. Every one should exercise democracy which means different opinions in a national and responsible manner and make it a mean to build up the homeland and serve its development, security and stability. Dear Bothers.. Personnel of the Armed and Security Forces.. Our armed and security forces are the symbol of our national unity and the reason behind victories of the homeland and the revolution. The armed and security forces protect the constitutional legitimacy, security, stability, development, democracy and national unity. We would always support this national institution and improve the living standards and qualifications of its personnel. We would continue providing the armed and security forces with the most advanced and sophisticated potentials and equipment and enhance their defensive and security abilities. All plots and conspiracies would be foiled and completely destroyed by our strong armed and security forces. Dear Fellow Citizens We follow up with concern rapid developments in the region and the world on top of which the developments in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and other countries. We reiterate the importance of dialogue as a way to tackle all issues away from violence and use of force. We support the current dialogue in Qatar among the different Lebanese parties under the auspicious of the Arab League. We call on them to work for all that would serve the interest of Lebanon, its security, stability and national unity. We also express our wonder on the international regretful silence towards the Israeli aggression and unfair blockade imposed on the brotherly Palestinian people. We reiterate on the necessity of unifying the Palestinian rank and overcoming differences among Fatah and Hamas and other organizations in light of agreements reached in Sanaa and the resolutions of the Arab League summit in Damascus. We also call on all parties in the brotherly Republic of Iraq with their different political trends and approaches to resort to dialogue and put the interest of Iraq above all considerations in a way that would achieve reconciliation and build up a democratic, free, independent and prosperous Iraq. We confirm our support for all efforts exerted for reconciliation and maintaining peace in the brotherly Republic of Somalia. We also express our solidarity with the Brotherly Republic of Sudan, its security, stability, sovereignty and unity. Dear Fellow Citizens Within the framework of this dear national occasion a number of service and development projects in different fields would be inaugurated at the cost of more than four hundred billion riyal. This is the real celebration of our national occasions. At the conclusion we pray the Almighty God to give mercy to our martyrs and guide us on the righteous path to serve our homeland. Many Happy Returns May Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah Be Upon You Saba