Change made via ballot boxes, Saleh says

SANA’A, April 20 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh accentuated on Wednesday that power should be reached via election.During his meeting with tens of thousands of women from different governorates, President Saleh said that “change should be made via ballot boxes and based on the constitutional legitimacy”. “Those who want the chair of power have to get it through ballot boxes” the president said, pointing that each party recognized how many members it has.Yemeni people, including women, announced his commitment to the constitutional legitimacy and his rejection of anarchy, coups, blocking roads, disloyalty, conspiracy and falsehood.Saleh accented that he will keep on his commitment to the constitutional legitimacy and will not accept plots and coups. The President voiced his appreciation of the women’s national feelings that show loyalty and enthusiasm. In return, the women expressed their support for the unity, security and stability of Yemen and refusal of all kind of violence, sabotage and tension atmosphere created by the Joint Meeting Parties (JMPs).They called on the JMPs leaders to come to the dialogue table to address all issues and disagreements, appealing them not to drag the country into division or bloodshed.They also voiced their appreciation of the president’s efforts and initiatives to tackle the impasse peacefully and via dialogue, valuing highly the care and support of the president to women throughout the country. AF/AF