Businessmen forms committee to support Saleh presidential campaign

SANA’A June 03 (Saba) – Yemeni businessmen and merchants announced here on Saturday forming a committee to support President Ali Abdullah Salehfor coming presidential elections.
The formed committee aims at appealing President Saleh to drop of his decision on his decree that he would not run the elections.
The committee would collect contribution to support elections campaign of president Saleh.

In a press conference held on Saturday, the committee announced that size of the initial donations for supporting the elections campaign
for PresidentSaleh reached one billion Yemeni rails in the first day of forming the committee.

It pointed out that it send a letter to President Saleh to appeal him to drop of his decision that he would not run the elections.
The members of the committee confirmed that battle of constructing ande conomic development and prosperity for the Yemeni people being
required reelecting President Saleh for another presidential period.