As Saleh says real war just starts, Iran urged to block aid for insurgents

SANA’A, Nov. 07 (Saba) – Yemen urged on Saturday Iran to take necessary measures against Iran-based religions bodies aiding the Houthi insurgents in the north. Iran should not only speak of its support for Yemen’s unity and security, rather the country should block aid for the insurgents in northern Yemen, Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Al-Qirbi urged. Though Yemen realizes and has obtained evidence that rebels received aid from Iranian religious bodies and Shi’ite groups in Europe and the Arabian Gulf, Yemen would not like to take any diplomatic decisions over ties with such states because it cares of its ties with the states, he said. Al-Qirbi, however, assured the army is able to end the insurgency in Saada and Amran within the current confrontations. The Houthi plans remain in parts of Saada and Amran and the insurgents can’t reach the capital because it is far away from their imagination, he said. ‘The public and political opinions suggest the current war be the final with the rebels, who have been fighting the troops since 2004.’ Yemen refuses dialog with the insurgents until they announce their acceptance of previous truce conditions announced by the government, he said. Moreover, he said that the aid Yemen receiving from foreign and Arab countries is focused on economic development but not for the battles in the north, adding other aid, such as the U.S., was aimed at combating terrorism. There is not a specific external aid to deal with the war against the Houthis, he confirmed. Inaugurating export of Yemen LNG with the firstfruits scheduled to head for South Korea, President Ali Abdullah Saleh said earlier the real war against the Houthi insurgents in the north has just started over the last two days. The battles against the rebels in Saada and Amran over the past six years were a rehearsal to test our capabilities, Saleh said, adding that the battles will not see an end until the insurgency is entirely tackled, even the cost were precious lives and much funds. The plotters are not only based in the north, there are many of those building conspiracies and committing irresponsible acts such as the separatists in the south, Saleh said. FRSaba